© 2018 Offshore Bank Of Belize.
Saturday, 22 August 2015 / Published in Business, Corporate, Insurance, Investment, Offshore, Premium, Wealth Management

About our Offshore Professional and Personal Accounts

An offshore bank account, that is to say, an account outside your country of residence will allow you to easily optimize your financial assets and can become the cornerstone of more complex financial set-up.

The benefits of an Offshore Bank Account

The wide diversity of locations and the specificities of the different banks are often a brake on individuals and entrepreneurs wishing to open an account abroad. Other barriers such as language, geographical distance, and lengthy procedures can complicate these processes and thus discourage people interested in opening an offshore bank account. Once all these obstacles have been overcome, the bank can still refuse a file if it does not meet its selection criteria.

The role of Offshore Bank Of Belize™ is to make you benefit from what the offshore world can offer you, with ease. Whether it’s opening a personal or professional bank account, we help you choose the most appropriate jurisdiction and offshore bank. Together, we define a strategy tailored to your needs and we take care of the administrative procedures. This ensures that your account will be opened quickly, without having to move.

Take benefit from attractive investment solutions

Economic and fiscal pressures generally justify the opening of a bank account outside the country of residence. The need for security of wealth and the lack of confidence in the banks and the government of his country can also be a reason. The economic stakes of opening an offshore bank account are large.

The confidentiality of the foreign banks makes it possible to place funds in safety, out of the reach of certain creditors of its country of residence. The fact that the bank account is located outside your country of residence is a real guarantee against a bankruptcy. The banks that are our partners offer much higher than average in regards to security and discretion.

Organize your activities more effectively

Our partners offer a complete range of investment products to make your assets grow according to the level of risk defined beforehand. These investment solutions are often more advantageous than those offered in your country of origin.

Are you an expatriate? Does your company trade internationally? You can open an offshore account with one of our partners in a different jurisdiction. This tip gives you the advantage of avoiding international transactions, decreasing transaction costs and processing time for your banking operations.

You can thus optimize your financial flows. You can also make transactions, make transfers and pay bills in local or foreign currency via your online banking and your card. The multi-currency accounts offered by several of our partners allow us to benefit from a very advantageous exchange rate.